Parish School of Religion (PSR)

In the Sacrament of Baptism the parents and godparents of the child are advised that they are to be, for their children, the first of teachers and the best of teachers in the ways the faith.  It is a recognition by the faith community that children will indeed learn what they live and live what they learn.  Families are the foundational building block for handing on the faith to future generations. 

The Saint Clarence community is ready and eager to assist you with this exhilarating challenge.  Our catechists and volunteers stand ready to provide you with the resources you need both at home and in the classroom. 



Children are welcome at all Masses!

During the school year at the 10:00 AM Mass, children's programs support families and help children worship together: 

Grades 1-8: PSR

PSR is faith formation for children in Grades 1 – 8 who do not attend Catholic school. Trained catechists and volunteers love to help children learn about their faith and grow in God’s love. Families can choose to enroll in either the afternoon or evening session of PSR which runs on Mondays from September – May.

Registration for the 2024-2025 PSR year is now open! We can’t wait to welcome your child. Check out all the details parents need to know and sign up today:

Key 2024-2025 Dates:

  • 8/12/24    Registration Deadline
  • 9/9/24      First Day of Class
  • 5/6/25      Last Day of PSR
PSR Calendar

PSR Registration Fee:

Online payment is now available!

Pay Online

Checks can be made payable to St. Clarence Church and include PSR in the memo line.

It is the policy of St. Clarence that no child be prevented from participation due to financial need. Payment plans and tuition assistance are available. Please call 440-734-2078 or email


Please connect with the PSR office by phone (440-734-2078) or our contact page.


Children registered in the parish who are attending the PSR program or are enrolled in a parochial day school are invited to celebrate the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion during their 2nd grade year and Confirmation during their 8th grade year. Here is a sample of materials that are used for 2nd grade Sacraments.

PSR Parent Information

Transportation Release Form

The Transportation Release Form allows you to give permission for your child to be released from the classroom on their own or for us to release your child to particular adults in addition to parents or guardians. Due September 3rd. 

Transportation Release

Household Information Form

Has your contact information changed? This form is an opportunity for you to share about your family and update any contact information which has changed, both of which help us communicate with you efficiently and appropriately. 

Household Information

Age 3-Kindergarten: Religious Readiness

Sundays, 10 am Mass

Religious Readiness meets September through April during the 10 am Mass, starting September 15th.

Our Religious Readiness program helps your child grow in faith and relationship with God. Children, ages 3 to Kindergarten, are introduced to the Sunday Liturgy through scripture, prayer and activities.  A variety of fun, age-appropriate learning methods are used to enhance young children’s faith experiences, including music, story-telling, drama and crafts. We love helping young children experience a warm community in church and allow parents time to be restored by their own experience of prayer.

Drop off and Pick up: Children begin Mass with their family. Before the First Reading, they are invited to leave with their peers and are brought to Religious Readiness by their leaders.   All children are to be picked up immediately following the Mass by a parent or guardian. Religious Readiness is located in the lower mezzanine.

First Timers: If a child is apprehensive about visiting any program for the first time, a parent or guardian is welcome to accompany the child.

Visiting St. Clarence: Children who are guests or visiting St. Clarence are welcome to Religious Readiness; simply complete a guest form.  Ask a Greeter or the Religious Readiness volunteer in the atrium for a guest form prior to Mass.  Completed forms must be returned to the program coordinator before the child joins a group.

If you have any questions about Religious Readiness, please contact

6 Months-3 Years: Co-op Nursery

Sundays, 10 am Mass

Families with children ages 6 month to 3 years old are invited to take part in the Mass Time Co-op Nursery during the 10 am Mass. The Nursery provides parents with care for their children so they can enjoy more full and active participation in Mass. Please complete an online registration for your child or contact Grace Kincaid-Murphy to learn more about this ministry.

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